It Works! (Somewhat)

Some features here:

  1. Most common tags like:
  2. Clickable links tell you the URL and clickText --> try me!
  3. Controlling background, text, & link colors
  4. Different kinds of lists...
    1. Ordered:
      1. item 1
      2. item 2
    2. Unordered:
      • item 1
      • item 2
    3. Descriptive:
      item 1
      description of item 1
      item 2
  5. Viewing image alt tags, with link to the image source: This is what you're missing...
  6. PRE tags:
      some formatted text
  7. Converting special characters: ©, ¥, ¢

Possible Future Enhancements:

a picture is here

Some webpages...

Now edit the HTML in the editfield above or import another HTML file to try out!

Brought to you by Doug Holton

Please email me at if you have any questions/problems/requests.

Last Modified: October 10, 1998